IE Proxy Setting in Windows 10

Tue Jan 10 2023admin

In the article, I will tell you 2 ways to change Internet Explorer proxy settings with YiLu Proxy in Windows 10.

IE proxy setting
IE proxy setting

First of all, configure YiLu Proxy settings as the following image:
a. Set a proxy fixed port: random or custom, such as 1080
b.Set forward port range: such as 5500-5501
c. Bind address:
d. Select “YiLu Portable Proxy Engine”
e. Select the second and fourth proxy rules
f. Save the settings.

yilu proxy general setting
yilu proxy general setting

First Way - Internet Explorer Proxy Settings

1. Right-click an IP and select a proxy port, such as 5500

port forwarding

2. Click the settings icon and enter “Internet options” in IE browser.

internet options
internet options

3. Enter “Connections” and click “LAN settings”

find LAN Settings
find LAN Settings

4. Enter proxy information

Turn on “use a proxy server for your LAN”
Enter IP address:
Enter port: 5500
Then click “OK” to save the changes.

enter proxy details
enter proxy details

Click “OK” to close the Internet Options window.

5. Check the IP address

check the ip address
check the ip address

Second Way - YiLu IE Program Proxy Settings

Here we use the second proxy rule: Only proxy the applications in YiLu Program tab, the others go though your local network.
Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and other local browsers all can use this method to connect YiLuProxy:

get free trial

download yilu proxy