Here are 5 methods of using YiLu Proxy IPs. According to different use cases in different IP types, you need to get different using methods.
YiLu Proxy has 7 different IP types (sort by IP quality from high to low) now:
A. Dedicated static residential IP;
B. Pro dynamic residential IP;
C. Mobile 4G/5G IP;
D. Dynamic residential proxy IP;
E. Dedicated static datacenter IP;
F. Dynamic datacenter proxy IP;
G. Shared static datacenter IP.
YiLu Proxy all IPs support Socks5 and HTTP protocols, but Socks5 connection is more stable than HTTP.
1. Local proxy
This method is suitable for all YiLu Proxy IPs. It is used for some applications or global proxy setting of the computer system.
First of all, configure YiLu Proxy settings:
a. Proxy port: random or custom, here I use 1080;
b. Bind address:;
c. Proxy engine settings: YiLu portable proxy engine;
d. Proxy rules: If all applications use proxy network, select the first rule; If only some applications use proxy, select the second rule. Then select the fourth proxy rule;
e. Finally, save settings.
Right-click an IP and connect, then some applications in the “Program” tab or entire computer will use the proxy IP.
For dynamic residential IP, dynamic datacenter IP, 4G/5G mobile IP and Pro residential IP:
a. Select proxy type: Rotating Residential IP, Rotating datacenter IP, Pro mobile IP, or Pro Residential IP;
b. Select country, state, and city;
c. Refresh;
d. Right-click an IP;
e. Click "Connect (not DNS)".
2.Local port forwarding.
This method is suitable for all YiLu Proxy IPs.
The software that needs to use proxy network and YiLu Proxy both run on the same computer, such as on a computer, run YiLu Proxy and an antidetect browser, such as Lalicat.
a. Set the range of port forwarding: such as 5500-5505;
b. Bind address:;
c. Select other proxy tools;
d. Then save settings.
For sharing static datacenter IP, dedicated static datacenter IP, and dedicated static residential IP:
For dynamic residential IP, dynamic datacenter IP, 4G/5G mobile IP and Pro residential IP:
f. Select proxy type;
g. Select country, state, and city;
h. Refresh;
i. Right-click an IP;
j. Select a port.
3. LAN port forwarding.
This method is suitable for all YiLu Proxy IPs.
The software using the port connection and the Yilu proxy client can not be used on the same computer, such as software on other computers, phones, or tablet devices. But the two (the computer that runs YiLu Proxy, and the device that runs the software which needs to use proxy) must be in the same LAN, that is, using the same WIFI network of the same router.
For example, a computer and a phone connect the same WIFI, and the computer runs YiLu Proxy client, the phone need to use proxy network. In this case, we need to use LAN port forwarding.
a. Set the range of port forwarding: such as 5500-5505;
b. Bind address: select the local LAB IP, here is;
c. Then save settings.
The method of LAN port forwarding is the same as the local port forwarding on the above.
4. Extract IP address information.
This method is suitable for YiLu Proxy dynamic residential IP, dynamic datacenter IP, 4G/5G mobile proxy, and Pro residential IP.
Note: After the extraction is completed, you can close the YiLu Proxy software, and the proxy IP is still working. (However, when using port forwarding, the YiLu proxy client cannot be closed)
a. Select proxy type: Pro mobile IP, Pro Residential IP, Rotating Residential IP, or Rotating datacenter IP;
b. Select a format of copying IP information;
c. Set the number of generating IPs;
d. Select country, state, and city;
e. Refresh;
f. Right-click an IP and click "Copy IP and Port".
5. Scan the QR code.
This method is suitable for YiLu Proxy dynamic residential IP, dynamic datacenter IP, 4G/5G mobile proxy, and Pro residential IP.
Using third-party applications, such as Shadowrocket for iPhone and iPad devices, or v2rayNG for Android phones, you can easily connect YiLu proxy IP.
Note: After the scanning QR code is completed, you can close the YiLu Proxy software, and the proxy IP is still working.
a.Select proxy type: Pro mobile IP, Pro Residential IP, Rotating Residential IP, or Rotating datacenter IP;
b. Select country, state, and city;
c. Refresh;
d. Click an IP, then a QR code will appear;
e. Using the third-party application to scan the code.