
Tue Feb 14 2023admin
social media marketing find right influencers
Now there are many extensions that can help us find Internet influencers and help us search for Facebook groups. For example, we want to search for keywords whose names are related to our products. For example, if we want to search for "Wig", this plugin can help us find many groups related to "Wig", such as "cosplay" groups and so on. We can apply to join these groups. Some of these group admins are influencers because they run the groups. You can discuss cooperation with the administrator. For example, you can give your products to admins to post, let them sell, and give them commissions or great coupons, etc. That's what groups are for.
Another method is to collect homepages, we can search for the homepages related to products. Of course, many of them are competitors' homepages, and we need to understand and distinguish them by ourselves. We can also search for other keywords, such as "AliExpress review" related evaluation homepage. So the evaluation homepage is also a channel to get traffic. You can give them your product and ask them to do the evaluation for you. However, it seems that there are not many evaluation home pages at present. We can change a keyword, such as "Amazon review" so that there will be many evaluation homepages.
There are many evaluation groups on the Amazon platform, and we can join these groups to expose and evaluate our products. This has two advantages: one is to accumulate reviews for us, and the other is that it may get more exposure.
Of course, you can create multiple Amazon buyer accounts, and write some product reviews by yourself. In order to prevent accounts from being associated and banned, you need to use YiLu Socks5 proxy and an anti-fingerprint browser.
Here, you will also find a lot of fashion-related Internet celebrities, and you can see some of their recent data, such as the number of subscribers. You can cooperate by finding these target people. You can search your product keywords. Of course, you should not only search for your product keywords, but also search for words related to your product. For example, if you sell clothes, it must be related to fashion; if you sell beauty products, it must be related to beauty. You should dig out more keywords and find suitable people to cooperate with.
Okay, so now let's talk about how to find influencers.
There are several indicators, the first one is the number of followers. Of course, the more followers the better.
Another indicator is the frequency of posting, which cannot be too frequent, otherwise, it will make fans feel tired. If marketing bombards are too frequent, it will tire fans and cause your follower count to drop. Therefore, when choosing an influencer, we need to pay attention to these two indicators: the number of fans and the frequency of posting. Of course, there are other factors that can help us evaluate the quality of influencers, such as content quality, interaction rate, and video quality. In addition, we can also conduct research on influencers' backgrounds, connections, industry experience, etc., in order to better evaluate their quality.
The third indicator is the number of retweets and interactions. We can observe the number of views, retweets, and interactions of posts made by influencers. If the views are high, but the retweets and interactions are low, it may mean that many people viewed the posts, but were not very interested, which means that there are many views, but there is not much actual effect. In addition, if the interaction between the influencer and fans is not very good, even though there are many people following, the interaction between fans and the influencer is not very active, which may also lead to a poor product marketing effect. So when choosing a celebrity, we need to pay attention to these factors.
The fourth indicator is content, which must match your product. We can observe the videos and content posted by influencers to see if they are related to your product. If an influencer has a lot of followers but the content doesn’t match your product, then it won’t do you much good. For example, if a celebrity retweets your product, that's good for you. But if the influencer posts an ad that is not related to your product, it may not perform as well. Because traffic is more accurate, people pay attention to celebrities through content. If your product is related to the content, then you have found a group of accurate customers. Therefore, when choosing influencers, we need to pay attention to whether their content is related to our products, so that the cooperation can bring the greatest effect. In addition, we also need to pay attention to the content quality of influencers to see whether the content they publish is valuable and attractive. These are all factors we need to consider when choosing an influencer.

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