Retail bots are tailored to buy products in online stores with automatedprograms. They search for products on shopping sites and speed up the checkout process, making users get highly popular goods as soon as possible. These bots are extremely efficient and significantly beneficialfor users who are desperate to seize the opportunity of high-demand products in terms of limited-edition sales and discounts. In this case, a bot places you at a predominant advantage because you are able to pickand purchase items at a much more swift rate than ordinary buyers. However, automation with non-human traffic is prohibited on many websites, and Walmart is no exception. Every shopping platform has a system tokeep track of doubtful requests and handle IP bans in case of any unfriendly behavior. Therefore, if you need to send thousands of requests, use various IP addresses distinct from each other to keep away fromsuch IP bans. That is where a Walmart proxy comes into play. When you connect to a proxy server with your automation robot, the bot requests will be assigned different IP addresses, allowing it looks like eachone is originating from a different device in a different area. This feature makes it difficult to tell apart your traffic and other regular users so as to protect you from detection. And you can go on carryingout retail bots on the platform without any hassle.