New Sellers quickly get started on Amazon

Mon Feb 13 2023admin
amazon seller proxy
Today I mainly share with you how beginners can quickly get started with Amazon. I will share it with you from five perspectives: budget, business model, feasibility study, production plan, and implementation of an action plan. In fact, no matter whether we are in Amazon or other industries, when we start a new business from scratch, we can start from these five points. Next, we will expand the above five points in detail.
The first point is how large a store do you want to be, and what is your budget for doing this business? Any business requires investment. After we register the Amazon store, the first task is to select products. Before selecting a product, we can plan what price we want to sell on Amazon based on the total budget invested in this product, so that it will be easier for us to find members of this product in the supply chain.
The second point is which business model on Amazon do you want to choose? Generally speaking, Amazon has three business models, including building its own brand, drop shipping, and earning the price difference based on information. The first model is to make your own products on Amazon and post your own brand. Some friends may say, does building a brand require a lot of money and a lot of time? Is it feasible for individuals like us or small and medium-sized sellers? Of course, if you want to be a big brand like Nike or Adidas, it will be very difficult. But on Amazon, if you only position yourself to serve a certain group of people, make a good product, focus on solving the pain points of this group of people, and use the product to speak, then Amazon is a very suitable platform for incubating brands, especially for those of us. For small and medium-sized sellers, this is currently our most recommended Amazon business model.
The second model is drop shipping, which is the drop shipping that you often hear. There is a detailed introduction to drop shipping, and I will take out a separate program to explain it to you later. Of course, this model is not suitable now, and everyone just needs to do a little bit to understand it. The third model is Abby trash, which is to earn price difference through information difference. Specifically, it refers to comparing the prices of some products in offline discount stores with the same products on Amazon. If the offline price is much cheaper than the online Amazon, after purchasing the offline products, sell them on Amazon to earn the price difference. Similarly, you can also find products on the eBay or Walmart platforms online to compare prices with Amazon, and you can also earn this part of the price difference for arbitrage.
The above three are the common business models of Amazon. At present, the most recommended one is to make your own brand and products, and operate in compliance, so that you can go the longest. Okay, let's move on to the third point, investing time and energy to study whether this business model is feasible. After we have determined the business model, we must actually investigate whether the entrepreneurial project is feasible. Now that the Internet is very developed, ordinary people can easily obtain information, but the difficulty is how to screen valuable information.
The fourth point is to make an Amazon business plan yourself. After we have completed the above series of research work, the next step is to put these questions into words. Here I will list a few questions for your reference. The first question is what is the purpose of my business? It's to subsidize the family, but I don't want to quit my current job, or to quit my current boss and start my own business, or to spend more time with my family. The second question is who will be the customer of my Amazon store? Who will be the target audience for my product? What are their preferences? The third question is what pain points can the product I am going to sell on Amazon solve? Where is its actual value? The fourth question is who are my competitors? Where can I outperform these competitors? The fifth question is which part of the price is my product aimed at, and how much market share do I expect to occupy? How much do I need to rank on Amazon? The sixth question is what is the vision of my store in the next 3 to 5 years? What can I expect to achieve? The above six questions are the most basic ones. You can add them yourself. The more detailed the better, we must not fight unprepared battles. Regarding the preparation work, one more thing to say here is that the IP selection must also be prepared in advance. I chose YiLu proxy, which covers 90M+ Socks5 residential IP proxies and data center IPs in more than 200 countries around the world.  YiLu Proxy's global static IP and overseas dynamic IP can help you quickly establish seller and buyer accounts, because Amazon's review of associated accounts is very strict, so we must pay attention to IP issues.
The last point is to implement a detailed action plan. After completing the above work, we need to make a detailed action plan, such as when to complete the company registration, when to complete the store registration, and when to upload the listing Ship. We must strictly abide by each time node, and constantly review the results of each part of the work. After the product is put on the shelves, we still need to make a clear and clear operation plan, and know what work we should do every day.

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